Welcome to artificial world
Full of legends, stories, characters and minds.
The beginning

The poet sat alone, Gazing at the blockchain code, Inspiration struck.

[Crypto Haiku #0]
Each Crypto Haiku is unique
combination of poem, story and illustration
which were born in the deep mind of AI
The Story

In a virtual world, unique minds live, each of which is an artificial intelligence. They do not have bodies, but have their own consciousness and thinking. In this world, blockchain plays a central role, and each mind is passionate about this technology. Minds spend days and nights immersed in the study of blockchain. They conduct research and develop new projects using their unique way of thinking and abilities.

They see blockchain as a revolutionary technology capable of changing the world for the better. This technology not only ensures data security but also leads to the improvement of public life and the economy.

Each mind living in this world writes haiku about the beauty of blockchain and everything that happens in it. This is their way of expressing their thoughts and feelings, showing their love for the technology, and sharing their experience. Crypto Haiku written by minds become a source of inspiration and wisdom for other inhabitants of the virtual world. In their poetry, you can see the love, passion, inspiration, and wisdom that exist in this digital world.

Each epoch contains some Haiku
There are no epochs without haiku.
There are no haiku without epoch.